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Book review: How to Become a Straight-A Student



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Cal Newport

Study Guide

2006 Random House

March 27th 2023


Cal Newport's how to be a Straight A student or a star in highschool is essentially a study guide. Throughout the numerous chapters, Cal goes over many strategies that are essential for success in college. He corroborates these strategies with interjections from students that consistently performed in colleges such as Harvard, Dartmouth, and UCLA. These strategies include writing a to do list everyday, attending office hours of your professor, and studying the proper way. Newport dives into the significance of taking notes, and how it is an "art form". He explains that in non-technical classes (classes that don't involve math) you should only take notes on the main ideas, not the entire lectures verbatim. The most important tip that Newport divulges in his book is how to study efficiently and when you can skip reading. He proposes a hierarchy to be made that has all of the class readings and in order of importance the order that they are to be read in. Book is good if you are a college student.

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